

By Alvaro Toledo - 2023-10-16
您想要提高数据中心的性能和效率吗? 您想享受OCP 2的好处吗.0标准和232层NAND闪存技术? 您希望体验低于1毫秒的延迟吗, 6x9s服务质量(QoS), 和Gen4速度,使竞争落后? 如果你对以上任何一个问题的回答是肯定的, 那么你需要美光7500 NVMe固态硬盘, 全球最先进的主流SSD. Read on to learn everything you need to know about this amazing drive and how you can get it for your data center. 

是什么让美光7500 NVMe固态硬盘如此特别?
美光7500 NVMe固态硬盘不仅仅是另一款固态硬盘. 它改变了数据中心存储的游戏规则, thanks to its innovative features and benefits that make it stand out from the crowd. For example: 

  • 利用美光的行业领先优势, 尖端的232层NAND闪存提供卓越的低延迟, below 1 millisecond (ms), 以及6x9s QoS的高性能, 这将转化为数据中心工作负载的可靠性能.
  • Offering wide Open Compute Project (OCP) standards support, efficiency and security in a U.3 form factor, enabling easy integration and management with OCP-compliant systems.  
  • Providing superior performance for workloads such as artificial intelligence (AI), databases, content delivery, real-time analytics, social media, cloud computing, and virtualization, 加速您的工作负载并释放您的数据中心潜力.1
美光7500如何支持ocp2.0 standards?
美光7500 SSD实现了 OCP SSD 2.0 specification2 to provide intelligent management, performance optimization, seamless integration and error handling. 延迟监视通过启用跟踪来帮助提高性能, 诊断和补救延迟问题.3

Additionally, administrative commands allow standardized control over functions such as namespaces and security, 与ocp兼容的管理系统轻松集成. Furthermore, the 7500 SSD’s error recovery and error injection features, compliant with OCP SSD 2.0, enable rapid recovery of the drive and simulation of errors commonly encountered in data centers.3

By supporting OCP 2.0 standards, 美光7500 NVMe SSD便于数据安全的采用, 以及与其他OCP设备的广泛互操作性.

The Micron 7500 SSD helps keep your data safe with key security features that protect your data from unauthorized access or tampering.4 美光7500 NVMe固态硬盘提供:

  • 数字签名固件:在更新SSD固件之前对其进行身份验证, 阻止恶意固件加载. 
  • 加密擦除:允许对存储的用户数据进行快速和安全的清理. 
  • Secure boot: Uses a chain of trust mechanism that validates each entity’s authenticity before execution, such as during power-on.
  • Data-at-rest protection: Ensures protection of user data stored on NAND using state-of-the-art cryptographic algorithm AES-XTS-256.
  • 安全协议和数据模型(SPDM.2: Supports SPDM 1.2 for attestation, allowing systems using the Micron 7500 NVMe SSD to cryptographically verify the identity and firmware integrity of the drive.
  • 可信计算组(TCG)蛋白石:控制自加密驱动器(SED)中用户数据的加密.
  • 硬件安全引擎:部署AES-256等加密引擎, RSA-4048, RSA-4096, 和SHA-512. 中指定的关键安全标准 商用国家安全算法(CNSA)套件 document.
  • Micron secure execution environment (SEE): Consists of a dedicated security microprocessor that is electrically isolated from other microprocessors within the SSD controller and SEE execution cannot be preempted by nonsecure code. This isolation significantly reduces the opportunity for the security functionality of the storage device to be accidentally or maliciously circumvented.
可选择FIPS 140-3 2级和TAA符合美国.S. 联邦政府采购要求, 美光7500 NVMe为开放的计算世界提供了一个安全的驱动器.

7500 NVMe SSD的性能如何在竞争中脱颖而出?
性能是数据中心存储中最重要的因素之一. The Micron 7500 SSD is designed for applications that require low and consistent latency to enable fast, reliable responsiveness. Micron internal testing results show latency below 1 millisecond with 6x9s QoS in 4K 100% random read workloads. With latency reliably this low we are creating a new class of mainstream data center SSDs that our competition cannot match today1:

下面是我们内部测试的一些图表, showing how our testing reveals how the Micron 7500 NVMe SSD outperforms its competitors in both 100% read and mixed workload performance and QoS, 在一系列工作负载和块大小与竞争ssd:

图1:100%随机6x9 100%读延迟vs. top competitors

In RocksDB testing, against two leading competitors reveals some significant differences and demonstrates how the Micron 7500 SSD offers superior RocksDB performance for example:
Figure 2: RocksDB 4K random read while writing performance scaling by thread count vs. top competitors

The Micron 7500 SSD offers superior RocksDB 4KB block size performance (in both read and read while writing workloads) across all tested thread counts (8 to 128) with maximum performance advantages up to 2.1倍随机读写性能,见上图2.

Tests also showed response time improvements are up to 49% better for read while writing workloads as shown in figure 3, below.

图3:RocksDB应用程序响应与. 竞争4KB随机读写性能

从这些结果可以看出, the Micron 7500 NVMe SSD delivers substantial benefits for both read intensive and complex mixed workloads while also providing reliable and consistent performance for your data center applications. 

如何为您的数据中心获得美光7500 NVMe固态硬盘?

If you are interested in getting the Micron 7500 NVMe SSD for your data center, you’re in luck. 该驱动器现在正在发货,并可用于抽样. Don’t miss this opportunity to get your hands on 全球最先进的主流SSD. 今天就沙巴体育结算平台,获取您的样品并体验不同之处.

Recommended resources 

Note 1: Versus Gen 4 U.2/U.3 mainstream competitive SSD suppliers with at least 10% data center SSD market share. Micron internal testing results show sub-1ms latency in 6x9s QoS with 4K 100% random read up to and including QD128. Superior read/write, random/sequential performance based on currently available competitive data.
Note 2: 美光7500 SSD符合大多数标准, but not all, 《Open Compute Project Datacenter NVMe SSD Specification.0r21.
Note 3: 沙巴体育安卓版下载»开放计算项目 —基于OCP Datacenter NVMe SSD Specification.0、第4节错误恢复.12和延迟监测 附录C: datacenter-nvme-ssd-specification-v2-0r21-pdf (opencompute . pdf).org).
Note 4: No hardware, software or system can provide absolute security under all conditions. 美光不对损失承担任何责任, 因使用任何美光沙巴体育结算平台而导致的数据被盗或损坏, including those products that incorporate any of the mentioned security features.

Alvaro Toledo, 他是美光数据中心存储团队的副总裁兼总经理

Alvaro Toledo

Alvaro Toledo, 他是美光数据中心存储团队的副总裁兼总经理, serves as executive co-sponsor of the Micron Hispanic Professionals employee resource group. Alvaro earned a bachelor’s degree in computer science from National University and an MBA from the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley.