

美光科技| 2021年2月

沙巴体育结算平台的性能和速度,相信这些好处是齐头并进的. 我们的低功耗DDR5 DRAM就是一个例子, which offers more than 20% improvement in power efficiency and a 50% increase in data access speeds compared to previous generations. 这些功能使5G智能手机能够以高达6倍的峰值速度处理数据.4gb /s,对于防止5G数据瓶颈至关重要. 这种能力也非常适合边缘设备, 例如, 帮助自动驾驶汽车实时计算和处理数据. 注意这一点也很重要 边缘计算节省能源 自, 通过在边缘本身进行数据处理, 它消除了将数据发送回数百英里外的数据中心的需要, 从而减少能量消耗.


我:随着5G的推出, 美光计划如何支持不断增长的实时交流大型数据集的需求?


Moore: The need to solve the issues around large datasets and near instantaneous responses from 5G has put significant pressure on the underlying hardware to ensure no loss of performance even under the heaviest use conditions. 作为第一个在1z节点上批量生产的供应商, this will be a key focus for 微米 as we look to the rewards that this technology lead brings. 我们1 z-based DDR5 为实现5G及以后的下一代技术奠定了关键基础. DDR5 is uniquely suited to handle advanced data center workloads from rapidly expanding datasets and data-centric 应用程序, 内存性能提高了85%以上,可靠性也提高了, 现代数据中心所需的可用性和可维护性.




摩尔:崛起的娱乐, 社交网络, camera and system needs will all drive requirements for higher system capacity in 5G smartphones. 例如, 5G将使你在手机上从未见过的游戏成为可能, 但它需要更多的DRAM. 下载完整长度的高清电影到你的电视将需要更多的NAND存储空间. 5G将使未来的视频流更加身临其境, 允许您实时选择相机角度和其他内容, 推动对更多DRAM的需求. Using your 108MP+ camera and recording 8K video content to share with your friends on social media require both a large amount of DRAM to encode the data and quite a bit of NAND storage to save the data to share later.


最重要的是, 今天的系统使用多个人工智能引擎来增强图像和视频捕获, 这就需要更多的DRAM来支持系统需求. 最后, the real benefit of 5G in the modern cell phone is that a user can do all these activities at once, 真正的多任务处理. Of course, that means you’ll need even more DRAM content to use all these features in parallel. 我们相信很快美光的12GB LPDDR5 DRAM将与256GB UFS3相结合.NAND存储将是全功能5G手机的最低要求.

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随着5G的推出, 人工智能(AI)领域即将发生巨大变化, 边缘计算, 大数据和更多. 但这些5g驱动的应用对内存和存储意味着什么呢? 我采访了美光移动事业部的营销副总裁, 克里斯•摩尔, 来谈谈他是如何看待内存和存储为5G新世界提供动力的.

Me: The 5G era requires not only changes in storage technology but also changes in computing methods. 边缘计算将得到广泛应用. 在这个过程中, 隐私方面也将面临挑战, 安全, 可靠性, 功耗等因素. 您认为如何从存储的角度解决这些痛点?

Moore: Edge computing certainly has huge implications for memory and storage: 5G-connected edge devices and the internet of things (IoT) will need the computing horsepower that was once exclusive to 服务器, 个人电脑和智能手机. 在微米, 我们正在解决这个问题 提供可伸缩的, 高带宽, low-latency storage and memory for the network edge — necessary for enabling real-time analysis and processing in edge devices and for handling the rapidly growing volumes of data we’ll see. Another challenge with 5G and 边缘计算 is definitely power consumption, especially 自 研究状态 与4G相比,5G基础设施需要更多的电力. 它已经预测到这点了 information and communication technology will account for up to 20% of total electricity consumption 到2030年全球. 因此, it’s important that those at all layers of the 5G ecosystem design energy efficiency into their infrastructure from the start.

我们不断创新,以提高电力效率, 我们沙巴体育结算平台的性能和速度,相信这些好处是齐头并进的. 我们的低功耗DDR5 DRAM就是一个例子, which offers more than 20% improvement in power efficiency and a 50% increase in data access speeds compared to previous generations. 这些功能使5G智能手机能够以高达6倍的峰值速度处理数据.4gb /s,对于防止5G数据瓶颈至关重要. 这种能力也非常适合边缘设备, 例如, 帮助自动驾驶汽车实时计算和处理数据. 注意这一点也很重要 边缘计算节省能源 自, 通过在边缘本身进行数据处理, 它消除了将数据发送回数百英里外的数据中心的需要, 从而减少能量消耗.

我:随着5G的推出, 美光计划如何支持不断增长的实时交流大型数据集的需求?

Moore: The need to solve the issues around large datasets and near instantaneous responses from 5G has put significant pressure on the underlying hardware to ensure no loss of performance even under the heaviest use conditions. 作为第一个在1z节点上批量生产的供应商, this will be a key focus for 微米 as we look to the rewards that this technology lead brings. 我们1 z-based DDR5 为实现5G及以后的下一代技术奠定了关键基础. DDR5 is uniquely suited to handle advanced data center workloads from rapidly expanding datasets and data-centric 应用程序, 内存性能提高了85%以上,可靠性也提高了, 现代数据中心所需的可用性和可维护性.


摩尔:崛起的娱乐, 社交网络, camera and system needs will all drive requirements for higher system capacity in 5G smartphones. 例如, 5G将使你在手机上从未见过的游戏成为可能, 但它需要更多的DRAM. 下载完整长度的高清电影到你的电视将需要更多的NAND存储空间. 5G将使未来的视频流更加身临其境, 允许您实时选择相机角度和其他内容, 推动对更多DRAM的需求. Using your 108MP+ camera and recording 8K video content to share with your friends on social media require both a large amount of DRAM to encode the data and quite a bit of NAND storage to save the data to share later.

最重要的是, 今天的系统使用多个人工智能引擎来增强图像和视频捕获, 这就需要更多的DRAM来支持系统需求. 最后, the real benefit of 5G in the modern cell phone is that a user can do all these activities at once, 真正的多任务处理. Of course, that means you’ll need even more DRAM content to use all these features in parallel. 我们相信很快美光的12GB LPDDR5 DRAM将与256GB UFS3相结合.NAND存储将是全功能5G手机的最低要求.


Me: Some skeptics think that the use cases of the zero-labor factory and telesurgery don’t really need 5G. 你对此有什么看法?

Moore: Zero-labor factories and telesurgery are two use cases that both hold huge promise for society. 想想今天COVID-19大流行的现状吧. 如果这些已经可以在广泛的基础上实现, we wouldn’t have had the global factory shutdowns and subsequently supply chain disruptions we’re experiencing today. 如果远程手术已经广泛应用, we wouldn’t have had to delay surgeries or put doctors and other patients at risk of catching the disease. 5G is absolutely critical for these use cases 自 they both require many connected systems and devices that can quickly communicate in real time. Just think about how dangerous a lag would be for a doctor operating a robotic arm in a critical surgery or for a factory worker operating industrial machinery.

5G在这里至关重要,因为它允许许多人 更多的机器对机器(M2M)连接 原因有三:

  • 超低延迟,远低于4G(1毫秒). 10 ms)
  • 每平方公里连接数增加10倍(100万). 100,000)
  • 数据速率提高20倍(20gb /s vs . 10gb /s). 1 Gb / s)

因为在低延迟下,更多的设备有更多的数据带宽, there can be more autonomous coordination among intelligent devices and between infrastructure and those devices. 1毫秒的延迟很重要,因为它支持跨网络的实时控制, 消除操作远程设备时的视频延迟. 这些因素对于实现远程手术和零工厂劳动至关重要.

我:目前, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are the two technologies that the industry is generally optimistic about but has not yet fully realized. AR和VR要利用5G,它们需要如何改进?

Moore:据我所知,目前基于“增大化现实”技术/虚拟现实最受欢迎的用例是游戏. 当然,我的孩子们每天都用这个技术玩《沙巴体育结算平台》! 但随着5G提供的超低延迟,更多的企业应用将会出现. 在当前疫情环境下, 很明显,远程教育, 远程医疗, 甚至需要远程机械师来修车. 将这些概念与人工智能结合起来更令人兴奋. Imagine a four-year-old child sitting in a virtual classroom learning to read from a personalized AI-based teacher that customizes the lesson to the child. 我们离这个现实已经不远了.

所有这些应用都需要大量的DRAM来处理视频和人工智能, 以及NAND,将大数据存储在云端,将移动数据存储在手机上. 这些应用程序成功的关键在于,对最终用户来说,一切都必须是无缝的. There cannot be glitches or lag time to make the virtual environment appear anything less than real; otherwise, 最终用户不会接受它. 当然, the four-year-old child will lose interest and focus if her virtual teacher takes too much time to respond to her questions! 这种类型的系统将推动对更快计算的需求, 比我们今天看到的更好的神经引擎和更多的DRAM内存和NAND存储.

Me: What kind of 5G 应用程序 do you think will explode in the next two years besides smartphones?

Moore: We see 5G as a disruptive technology that will influence consumers and enterprises in many ways, 包括手机, 自主驾驶, 熄灯的工厂, 基于“增大化现实”技术/虚拟现实, 智能边缘, 人工智能和, 事实上, 我们做梦都没想过的事情. 这些都是我们关注的重要领域, as our memory and storage products are core technologies that are suited to powering many 5G 应用程序 across the board — because, 最终, 这些都依赖于数据.

但是有一个领域 我们发现人工智能尤其令人兴奋. 与5克, 我们的设备将能够即时处理人工智能任务所需的所有数据, 将智能带到消费者的指尖. 在这里,内存和处理需求将发生变化. 人工智能应用将需要更多内存, storage and much faster speeds than they have now to accommodate the exponentially increasing amounts of data 5G will bring. 这就是美光的用武之地. 微米 technologies will combine the best of 3D NAND — high data storage capacity — with the most desirable features of DRAM — superfast processing — to enable AI.

但对我来说,更令人兴奋的是我们还没有看到的东西. I often think of the university student sitting in his or her dorm coding a new application that will push today’s hardware to the limit. 想象一下昨天的大学生发明了视频聊天, 社交网络, or e-tail usage model that we wouldn’t have thought possible yet we consider commonplace today.

所以当你问到5G以及移动内存和存储的未来时,我真的很兴奋. 这就是我每天来工作的原因,去搭建能够实现未来的平台. 这个平台需要什么? 1TB的UFS4.超高速存储器? 24GB LPDDR5x内存? 新的内存和存储技术? 5G等颠覆性技术推动创新.

这一内容的一个版本首先出现在对 EEFocus.